Why mobile device management doesn’t matter

April 17th, 2012

Here is the article written by our CTO.

It takes three roles to create a startup

April 14th, 2012

You need to have three roles in a startup:

– Businessman

He/she should be all about money – make sure that there is enough money, track cashflow,  kick everybody asses to bring in the revenue.

– Visionary

This person should think strategically – where do we want to be, what problem do we want to solve, how could the company be the best in what it’s doing.

– Builder

This person is all about tactic – choose a next step and just do it.


You don’t have to have three actual persons. One person can wear several hats, but without a doubt founders should cover all three roles between them.

The only way to grow is to …

April 8th, 2012

challenge yourself.

If you are working at a job which you know exactly how to do – it’s time to change the job.

If you are constantly doing tasks which you know how to do perfectly – you have to do something new.

If you have answers to all questions then your questions are wrong.


SpydrSafe Mobile DLP alpha release

April 3rd, 2012

We just released to Google Play alpha version of our app.

Here is snippet of its description:

“SpydrSafe Mobile DLP™ provides app-level protection for all of the data on your Android smartphone or tablet.

Your mobile devices contain all of your personal data. Keep it safe with SpydrSafe Mobile DLP™. Protect any app on your mobile device—email, Facebook, texts, photos, mobile banking apps, mobile wallet—any app on your mobile device can be secured with SpydrSafe Mobile DLP™.”

You are welcome to:

– download an use it

– send us your feedback

– leave positive reviews 🙂