The only way to grow is to …

challenge yourself.

If you are working at a job which you know exactly how to do – it’s time to change the job.

If you are constantly doing tasks which you know how to do perfectly – you have to do something new.

If you have answers to all questions then your questions are wrong.


4 Responses to “The only way to grow is to …”

  1. Ivan says:

    Well said, thanks.

  2. Sergey says:

    But run to extremes of constant growth it’s really hard for mentality.
    If you don’t want to grow – it’s bad, but very comfortable.
    If you constantly want grow – it’s really cool for other people from outside, but how you will feel you?
    When you always want more and even don’t have time for enjoying your success?
    It’s very productive, but somitimes it’s so hard.

    • Victor Ronin says:

      Yes. Sure. It’s easy to stay in the comfort zone (do what you know how to do). And it’s way harder to push the limits each day.

  3. PV says:

    Boredom is a strong motivator. But then again, what if they pay too well? 😉