Git rulez :)

I started to use Git couple of month ago.

OMG!!!! I will never get back to SVN (If I will have a choice)

a) Most of operations local. They are super fast and I don’t need an internet connection.

b) I can do 25 local intermediate Β commits without worrying that such commit may break somebody else’s build.

c) I can see all untracked files. So, I will never again forget to add a new file to a commit.

d) I can stash my changes and switch easily between multiple versions to fix some bug and to get back to things which I did before.

If you didn’t try it yet, give it a try.


7 Responses to “Git rulez :)”

  1. Ivan says:

    Even if you don’t have choice you can work with git as a client and svn as central repository. git-svn bridge exists. Similarly git-tfs exists as well (this is how I work currently, as TFS is very-very bad source control system, close to absolutely unusable IMO).

  2. Dmitry says:

    I would prefer Mercurial over git as git is more oriented towards nerds πŸ™‚

    I don’t know how bridges git-SomeOtherVCS works but when I tried different bridges Mercurial-Svn that was a total fail. You can export commits to Svn or import them from Svn, but everything breaks when you start to use local branches. So I pushed our organisation to switch to Mercurial. Now everybody is happy πŸ™‚

    • Ivan says:

      I didn’t work much with hg, but in general I find internal structure of git pretty straightforward. And when you grasp how git stores things – abilities become almost obvious. New guys that never used DVCS before were able to start understanding and working in 30-40 minutes. So, I don’t agree that git is nerd-oriented πŸ˜›

      As for using bridges… if you have luxury to select system of your organization – working natively with git or hg is definitely better, hands down. But sometimes it is a matter of political decision and can’t be changed unfortunately.

      Local branches are working fine in git-something always, but pushing to remote branches is a problem currently. Actually, git-tfs doesn’t support this yet at all πŸ™
      Actually, we’re working in git in normal way and sharing git branches as usual, but pushing to TFS is always to the same main branch – exactly due to branch restrictions. Nevertheless it is MUCH better than to work with TFS natively, believe me πŸ™‚

    • Victor Ronin says:

      We do you like Mercurial more? (just curious)

      • Dmitry says:

        I think it doesn’t matter which one of these two you will choose. The main think is that you finally switched from Svn and Tfs.

        I like Hg more because it looks easier, it has more friendlier GUI (with TortoiseHg), you shouldn’t setup SSH when pushing to remote repo. And when I considered which to choose BitBucket offered only Hg repos (and I prefer BitBucket over GitHub because BitBucket offers unlimited number of private repos though I like GitHub’s interface and functionality more). Now BitBucket offers Git repos too so it is no longer the case. And Spolsky (and FogCreek) prefer Hg too (look at and Now we use FogBugz and I hope someday we could buy Kiln.

        Here’s a comparision:

        So you can choose any of these two and you will be the winner in any case πŸ™‚

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